“Dina and Crystal are extraordinary students and activists who are passionate about public service,” says Jolynn Parker, director of CFSA. “Being selected as a finalist is itself a tremendous honor in this competition.”
We would like to celebrate two Syracuse University students who have been named as 2018 finalists for the prestigious Truman Scholarship. One of the finalists, Crystal Letona, is currently studying abroad in London – huge congratulations and well done, Crystal!
“The Truman Scholarship is awarded to approximately 55-65 college juniors each year in recognition of community service, academic accomplishment and commitment to a career of public service. This year, 194 finalists were selected from more than 750 nominated by schools and colleges from around the country.”
Crystal Letona
“Letona applied for the Truman Scholarship because she wants to address the racial and class disparities in reproductive and sexual health, particularly among low-income women of color. “To do this, I plan to pursue a dual degree program in law and public policy or administration; eventually, I want to run for City Council of Los Angeles,” she says. “With the Truman Scholarship, I could focus and achieve my career goals without the financial burden. Growing up in a predominantly Latino community in Los Angeles with her single mother and sister, Letona says she never really considered a job in public service, especially because there weren’t many people who looked like her holding public office. She worked on Wendy Greuel’s campaign for mayor of Los Angeles, and was inspired by her efforts.”
Please do congratulate Crystal if you see her around Faraday House, and wish her the best of luck during the next stage of the process!
More on these two students and their outstanding commitment and dedication to public service can be found here.